Wednesday 5 November 2014

Tag Time: The Liebster Award

So I've been tagged (yes, like the game, but a bloggy version) by my blogger in crime Pippa Says in her Liebster Award post. It's a bit of fun where the 'taggee' gives 11 random facts about themselves, answers the 11 questions written by the 'tagger' in their post, and creates 11 new questions to ask 5 - 11 bloggers they are going to tag next. So lets see what I can make of this!

Random Facts:

1. I have had 2 pet pigeons at different times both called Feathers. The first one used to perch on my shoulder in the house until I saw it looking too intently at my earrings one day. It was not allowed a shoulder ride after that.

2. I spent 10 years of my equestrian life devoting myself to Parelli and Natural Horsemanship. Those who knew me then often saw me rinding my near wild pony around with just a rope and jumping cross-country fences bareback. This was regularly frowned upon by my peers.

3. In my teens I completed a Foundation in Art and Design at Central Saint Martins, specialising in Sculpture.

4. I adore Japanese food.

5. I am a pole dancer, and I absolutely love it. I started training and performing with my pole school from the beginning of my university degree until this day, and I wouldn't change my large shoulders for anything.

6. You will often see me with different hair colours or tints. I am normally platinum, but my time as a hair model rebuilt my love for pastel colours.

7. I am an obsessive Nintendo player, particularly the 3DS. Animal crossing is in my daily schedule, and I never turn down a Pokemon battle.

8. I had a pimped up chaotic mess of a 1998 Peugeot 106 Quiksilver for several years. I loved 'VUT the Slut'. She currently resides as part of the greenery in my back garden, dreaming of the glory days when she put 3 points on my licence.

9. I once put Frank my Venus Flytrap in the fridge as I read somewhere that it makes them hibernate. This was all well and good until someone put a crate of beer on top of him. Two Flytraps later I now have a Vriesea Splendens (much more manageable) called Cornelius.

10. I play piano and sing and have been songwriting since about 13 years old.

11. There is a large bush/tree outside my bedroom window which I used to throw things into for good luck/amusement with my friends as a young teen. My parents cut it down one day and there were more coat hangers and Happy Meal toys in it than my wardrobe had seen in several years. Christmas tree eat your heart out!

Questions from Pippa Says:

1. What should we expect to read on your blog?
All sorts of things! I blog about what interests me and my personal experiences. Each blog is like a short story. I will be looking at sectioning my blog off into the main different areas that I am passionate about - music, fashion, lifestyle, beauty, pole fitness and others.

2. Which social media platform should I find you on the most?
Probably Instagram. Though I adore writing, I'm a very visual person so I can't help but capture things I love.

3. How did you get into blogging?
I'd like to say that it came to me late at night on its own accord in a magical dream, but it was my best friend Pippa from Pippa Says who got me into it. She showed me what to do and has nurtured me along the way. It's almost my first Blogiversary!

4. Which emerging artist should we be keeping an eye on?
Emerging Artist is a tough label to put on someone, I listen to a lot of music in the EDM genre atm, and I would have to say my absolute favourite 'not quite hit the mainstream yet' duo would have to be Koven. Soaring vocals and string parts, brilliant songwriting and some of the heaviest drops I've heard yet. Previous blog is about their new EP.

5. How do you discover new music?
When I was studying music in Brighton I was practically smothered in it. New and unique music was everywhere I looked. Soundcloud is a great simple platform for showcasing music, but I have to say I am a real Spotify fan. Premium changed my life.

6. What’s the best gig you’ve ever been to?

This is a hard question, but I would have to say Ludovico Einaudi at the Brighton Dome. More of a concert than a 'gig', but it was so breathtaking I spent most of my time in half tears with my mouth open. I have seen him 5/6 times (I forget) but this one really stuck with me so clearly. He was showcasing his recent album 'Time Lapse' and the orchestra, the instruments and the acoustics were all so beautiful it was flawless. He is a humble and gracious man and I cannot recommend his live performances enough.

7. What’s your favourite small independent fashion shop?
It has to be online shop KookiiB. I found them at Clothes Show Live last year. Home of gorgeous kimonos, jewellery and their metallic temp 'Luxe Tattoos'. I met the warm and talented designer Christina and fell in love with it all. Now I can't even imagine wearing someone else's kimono!

8. Which look will you be living in this winter?
I am a jumper addict, and I'd like to say that the 'frumpy jump' as I love to call it, will be a priority piece. That combined with some big boots, knee high or studded (I am a stud lover), snuggly socks/tights and some fur somewhere - headband or neck.

9. Which comedian do you think is completely underrated?

I don't really have much knowledge where stand up comedy is concerned, it's something I haven't really explored yet.

10. Which 5 bloggers should we be following?

Pippa Says of course! Some of the girls I met at Company Fashion Bloggers event as well - Khrissieloves, LittleBearWolf, SparkMarz, JoughBloggs.

11. What do you hope to have achieved with your blog this time next year?
I would love to have built up a following, revamped my whole look, and maybe have gotten some work from my blog. Everyone dreams of being able to live off the money they make doing the things they love!

Now for mixture of silly vs. serious questions for my nominees!

My Questions:

1. Have you taken any exciting trips anywhere you can tell us about?

2.Where would you love to visit the most?

3. What is your favourite social media platform?

4. How long have you been blogging for?

5. What can we expect to find in your blog?

6. Can you describe to us a memorable dream you've had?

7. What is your ideal career path?

8. If you had a talk show, what would you name it?

9. What is your favourite film of the moment and why?

10. Can you tell us about an artist who's music meant a lot to you?

11. It will be my 1st Blogiversary in December, what do you recommend should be done to celebrate?

Thanks guys! I'm excited to hear your results! nominee bloggers will be tweeted asap and I hope you have as much fun as me filling it all out (or it's a mad chore and I'm sorry)!


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